Artist statement
I am a ceramic maker living and working in Torry, Aberdeen. My curiosity lies in the alchemy of glaze recipes and atmospheric firing. The element of spontaneity that comes from working with my materials, and the exchanges between art and science greatly inspire the otherworldly forms and textures of my work.
Extended Bio
Glaze chemistry is a world which reveals a new secret every time I open the kiln after a firing. It’s that same feeling as a child - finding unusual creatures in rock pools, fascinating bugs under rocks or discovering a beautiful object whilst rummaging in a curio shop.
Within ‘Amy Benzie Ceramics’, great value is found in lifting others up by using clay as a tool for fuelling curiosity in both creativity and in science. I explore this through collaborations, research residencies and delivering workshops - which naturally germinates and develops into otherworldly functional and sculptural ceramic collections which are exhibited and available to buy.